The following are all corrected & revised in the electronic version of X-Risk, but remain in the physical first edition:

- Page 2 - ‘179
6 First notions of…’, should be ‘1795 First notions of’.

- Page 4 - ‘194
3 Hiroshima’, should be ‘1945 Hiroshima’.

- Page 4 - ‘Carson raises the alarm on
climate catastrophe’, should be ‘Carson raises the alarm on environmental catastrophe’.

- Page 5 - ‘Hans Jonas demands ‘a new ethics of responsibility for the far future’’, should be 1979 not 1989.

- Page 5 - ‘199
5 John Leslie publishes’, should be ‘1996 John Leslie publishes’.

- Page 5 - ‘200
3 Nick Bostrom introduces’, should be ‘2002 Nick Bostrom introduces’.

- Page 8 - ‘For reasons outlined below, during the larger part of
of the lifespan of of humankind’, should be ‘For reasons outlined below during the larger part of the lifespan of humankind’.

- Page 11 - ‘of the
second millennium’, should be ‘of the third millennium’.

- Page 67 - ‘dinner at d’Holbach’s in 17
96’, should be ‘dinner at d’Holbach’s in 1769’.

- Page 69 - ‘which
he named Phæton’, should be ‘which was soon named Phæton’.

- Page 71 - ‘chasm the size of missing planet’, should be ‘chasm the size of
a missing planet’.

- Page 83 - ‘ultimately came
from not from a new vision of the stars’, should be ‘ultimately came not from a new vision of the stars’.

- Page 111 - Tsiolkovsky ref at bottom of page is wrong. Should be: ‘K. Tsiolkovsky,
‘Prava I obyazannosti cheloveka’, MS in Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, F.555, C.523.’ (Also requires addition to bibliography.)

- Page. 120 - ‘By the end of the decade, William W. Howells’, should be ‘By
the opening of the 1960s, William W. Howells’.

- Page 126 - ‘that we make it
a as a global priority to mitigate and minimise X-risk’, should be ‘that we make it a global priority to mitigate and minimise X-risk’.

- Page 139 - ‘crucial to developing a grasp our own precarity’, should be ‘crucial to developing a grasp
of our own precarity’.

- Page 177 - In the footnote, ‘
he calculated the cool-down time from our planet’s incandescence to its present state as “2255950 minutes, that is to say 42,965 years and 221 days”. This, then, is the current age of the Earth.’, should be ‘he calculated an iron ball of Earth’s size would take ‘50838943662 minutes’ (or ‘96,672 years and 132 days’) to reach Earth’s current temperature. Given that our Earth is not made uniformly of iron, but also of other materials, he adjusted his calculations to surmise the actual planet is ~75,000 years old’.

- Page 178 - In the footnote, ‘de la Terre
and des Planètes’, should be ‘de la Terre et des Planètes’.

- Page 179 - ‘distinct from what is now the case
now’, should be ‘distinct from what is now the case’.

- Page 184 - ‘Wells had envisioned a similar scenario in
in 1894’, should be ‘Wells had envisioned a similar scenario in 1894’.

- Page 192 - ‘Th
he planet itself somehow’, should be ‘The planet itself somehow’.

- Page 207 - ‘as our bodies will themselves
are swapped out for artificial alternatives’, should be ‘as our bodies will themselves be swapped out for artificial alternatives’.

- Page 221 - ‘The tools
to with which to do so’, should be ‘The tools with which to do so’.

- Page 227 - ‘calculate the length of its tail
is and its thermal properties’, should be ‘calculate the length of its tail and its thermal properties’.

- Page 236 – ‘he placed the odds of Earth’s deadly intersection with a comet at 1/76,000’, should be ‘he placed the odds of Earth’s deadly collision with a comet
which intersects our planet’s orbit at 1/76,000’.

- Page 242 - ‘paths of comet path
sthousands of years into the future’, should be ‘comet paths thousands of years into the future’.

- Page 244 - ‘scalability also
mean that deflecting a comet’, should be ‘scalability also means that deflecting a comet’.

- Page 253 - ‘B
-ayes’s method’, should be ‘Bayes’s method’.

- Page 287 - ‘there had been visions of humanity blowing itself sky-high since
Schopenhauer and Odoevsky’, should be ‘there had been visions of humanity blowing itself sky-high since Odoevsky’.

- Page 289 - ‘he reasoned that external threats not “very probable”’, should be ‘he reasoned that external threats
were not “very probable”’.

- Page 299 - ‘the unstoppable forces of progress, it
was seemed like yet another’, should be ‘the unstoppable forces of progress, it seemed like yet another’.

- Page 366 - ‘of a
n greater yield of wellbeing’, should be ‘of a greater yield of wellbeing’.

- Page 374 - ‘what astrobiologst today call’, should be ‘what astrobiologist
s today call’.

- Page 403 - ‘At the same moment
that Kardashev proposed his’, should be ‘At the same moment, Kardashev proposed his’.

- Page 407 - ‘older species that
his has since moved on to greener pastures’, should be ‘older species that has since moved on to greener pastures’.

- Page 421 - ‘and our fate as human beings
it to make it so’, should be ‘and our fate as human beings is to make it so’.

- Page 453 - Misattributed entry for ‘What are we looking for in outer space?’, attributed to Shklovsky & Ursul, but should be attributed to Shkolenko & Ursul. New bibliography entry required:
Shkolenko, I. and A. Ursul, ‘What are we looking for in outer space?, Soviet Life 259:4 (1978).

Please email me if you discover any more mistakes! Thank you.